Dictionary to download and install on your computer

You can download and install this Ninkare - French - English dictionary onto your PC computer for off-line use


You can download and install this Gurenɛ - English dictionary onto your PC computer for off-line use


Mampruli dictionary

You can download and install this Mampruli - English dictionary onto your PC computer for off-line use


dagbani dictionary.jpg


You can download and install this Dagbani - English dictionary onto your computer for off-line use

dictionnaire Buli.jpg


You can download and install this Buli - English dictionary onto your computer for off-line use

dictionnaire kasem Ghana.jpg


You can download and install this Kasem - English dictionary onto your computer for off-line use

dictionary Kusaal English.jpg


You can download and install this Kusaal - English dictionary onto your computer for off-line use

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